
The house is not without plastic in multiple forms. It is a plastic material that can easily take on many different forms formed plastic was used initially for the design of similar forms to those made from other materials.

The first types of plastic

In 1862, Alexander Parkes enables the industry strong material can be molded to take different forms, called "Bariksen" The first half of the plastic imitation.

Heat-tolerant material

Leo Baekeland Belgian-born chemist who worked in America managed a plastic types of chemicals found in coal tar industry. This type of plastic called "Bakelite" The temperature increase hardness without that melting in unlike previous types of plastic.


Plastic puffy

"Polystyrene" has its industry in the twenties of the twentieth century in two forms, one solid and the other full of puffy light weight and small holes.

Balls of polystyrene

Plastic Fiber

American Wallace Carothers chemical is produced from plastic, known as "nylon" in 1934. This article is similar to artificial silk could twisted around each other for the manufacture of rope equal in strength with steel cable. 1941 was the invention of "Polyester", another type of plastic fits fiber industry and woven polyester staple fiber in the form of cloth from which the manufacture of shirts, trousers, dresses.

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Pen and ink

Aqualung (breathing device under the water)

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Paper towels                         Burgers
Umbrellas                             Sauna
Contact lenses                      Dish washer
Zipper                                   Alarms
Bikini                                    Toothbrush

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